| Infosys Lectures Series on Programmable Quantum Matter by Prof. Kaden Hazzard (Rice University, USA) | 25-02-2025 | 27-02-2025 |
| Infosys Lecture Series By Prof. David Wales (FRS) from University of Cambridge, U.K. | 22-04-2024 | 24-04-2024 |
| Infosys Lecture Series By Professor Joachim Kopp | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 |
| SANGAM@HRI - 2024: Instructional Workshop in Particle Physics | 07-03-2024 | 16-03-2024 |
| Quantum information processing and applications - 2023 (QIPA-2023) | 04-12-2023 | 10-12-2023 |
| Discussion Meeting on Non-equilibrium Correlated Systems | 24-07-2023 | 26-07-2023 |
| Lectures on Non-supersymmetric String Theories By S. Parameshwaran (Liverpool) | 10-04-2023 | 14-04-2023 |
| Young Quantum Conference - 2023 | 15-02-2023 | 18-02-2023 |
| International conference on recent advances in renewable energy (CARE-2023) | 02-02-2023 | 04-02-2023 |
| String Seminar Days | 21-12-2022 | 23-12-2022 |
| An online conference: Young Quantum 2020 (YouQu2020) | 12-10-2020 | 14-10-2020 |
| An online conference: Young Quantum 2020 (YouQu2020) | 12-10-2020 | 14-10-2020 |
| Meeting on Quantum Information Processing and Applications (QIPA-2018) | 02-12-2018 | 08-12-2018 |
| Sangam@HRI-2018 | 05-03-2018 | 09-03-2018 |
| Nu HoRIzons VII | 21-02-2018 | 23-02-2018 |
| School on String Field Theory and String Phenomenology | 05-02-2018 | 09-02-2018 |
| DST Meeting on Quantum Information Science and Technology (QuST) to be held at HRI on 9-10 Oct 2017 | 09-10-2017 | 10-10-2017 |
| We will have a set of lectures on fluid mechanics, statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics on 27-28 March 2017. | 27-03-2017 | 28-03-2017 |
| Young Quantum-2017 | 27-02-2017 | 01-03-2017 |
| On 15 and 16 Feb we will have a set of talks on `Low dimensional quantum systems` in honour of Prof. Sumathi Rao`s 60th birthday. The program is here. | 15-02-2017 | 16-02-2017 |
| There will be a 5 day workshop on Nonequilibrium Quantum Many Body Physics at HRI from Nov 21-25. 2016 | 21-11-2016 | 25-11-2016 |
| A conference to celebrate the 60th birthday of Ashoke Sen | 22-08-2016 | 23-08-2016 |
| Nu HoRizons VI | 17-03-2016 | 19-03-2016 |
| School on Nanoscale Electronic Transport and Magnetism: Fundamentals to Applications | 22-02-2016 | 02-03-2016 |
| Sangam @ HRI 2016: Instructional Workshop in Particle Physics | 15-02-2016 | 19-02-2016 |
| 2016 HRI Workshop on String Theory | 01-02-2016 | 13-02-2016 |
| Young Quantum - 2015 | 24-02-2015 | 26-02-2015 |
| School on topological quantum matter | 09-02-2015 | 21-02-2015 |
| Sangam @ HRI 2014: Instructional Workshop in Particle Physics | 24-03-2014 | 29-03-2014 |
| International Symposium on Clusters, Cluster Assemblies and Nano-scale Materials (ISCANM-III) | 11-03-2014 | 14-03-2014 |
| School and Workshop on Physics of Cold Atoms | 10-02-2014 | 16-02-2014 |
| Meeting on Quantum Information Processing and Applications (QIPA-2013) | 02-12-2013 | 08-12-2013 |
| Meeting on Transport in Topological Insulators | 09-07-2013 | 13-07-2013 |
| International Workshop on Quantum Information | 20-02-2012 | 26-02-2012 |
| Winter School on High Energy Astrophysics: Accretion onto Compact Objects (HEAP12) | 06-02-2012 | 18-02-2012 |
| Workshop of Low Dimensional Quantum Systems | 10-10-2011 | 13-10-2011 |
| International School and Conference on Functional Materials | 28-03-2011 | 03-04-2011 |
| The International School and Conference on Quantum Information Processing and Applications | 14-02-2011 | 20-02-2011 |
| The Twenty Sixth Meeting of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG-26) | 19-01-2011 | 21-01-2011 |
| Primordial Features and Non-Gaussianities (PFNG) | 14-12-2010 | 18-12-2010 |
| Workshop on Physics of Strong Correlation | 12-11-2010 | 14-11-2010 |
| Summer school on gravitation and cosmology (ssgc) | 10-05-2010 | 22-05-2010 |
| Conference on Cosmological Reionization | 16-02-2010 | 20-02-2010 |
| International Symposium on Clusters, Cluster Assemblies, and Nano-scale Materials | 09-02-2009 | 11-02-0209 |
| Summer School on Gravitation and Cosmology (SSGC) | 12-05-2008 | 24-05-2008 |
| School on Low Dimensional Nanoscopic Systems | 28-01-2008 | 09-02-2008 |
| Field Theoretic Aspects of Gravity (FTAG-VI) | 13-11-2007 | 18-11-2007 |
| Indian Conference on Cosmology and Galaxy Formation (ICCGF 07) | 03-11-2007 | 05-11-2007 |
| String Workshop and School | 01-01-0001 | 01-01-0001 |
| Condensed Matter Physics School | | |
| Biological Physics School | | |
| School on Spintronics | January 2009 |
| Physics of Galaxy Formation | December 2003 |
| Introductory School on Cosmology | December 2001 |